Ladybugs -Healthy plants have lots of helpers

ladybugThe University of Granada found that ladybugs are a useful way of distinguishing organic, conventional and integrated farming systems.The university said a two-year study of three large Spanish olive groves showed the “richness and abundance” of ladybugs was higher in organic orchards. Spanish researchers say ladybugs in olive orchards are a good indicator of the groves’ health and sustainability.
Ladybugs, also called lady beetles or ladybird beetles, are a very beneficial group. They are natural enemies of many insects, especially aphids and other sap feeders. A single lady beetle may eat as many as 5,000 aphids in its lifetime. There are many species of lady beetles.

Protection for the plants and the ladybugs

Adult lady beetles have very characteristic convex oval shaped bodies that can be yellow, pink, orange, red, or black, and usually are marked with distinct spots. This bold coloring, noxious fluid that seeps out of their joints when they are disturbed and strong odor they give off warns other animals to stay away. when the insects are disturbed.

ladybug eggs on leaf

Adult females will lay clusters of yellowish eggs on plants in the vicinity of aphid, scale, or mealybug colonies.

The alligator-like larvae (pictured below) are also predators. They are spiny and black with bright spots.

Adult lady beetles have very characteristic convex, hemispherical to oval shaped bodies that can be yellow, pink, orange, red, or black, and usually are marked with distinct spots. This is a type of warning coloration to discourage other animals that may try to eat them. Like many other brightly-colored insects,they are protected by an odorous, noxious fluid that seeps out of their joints when the insects are disturbed. The bright body coloration helps some predators to remember the encounter and avoid attacking insects with similar markings.

Ladybug larvae are helpful to humans because they eat the insect pests in the garden. After feeding on insect prey for several weeks, the larva pupates on a leaf.

ladybug larva feeding on aphids

Ladybug larva feeding on aphids

Some lady beetle species have several generations each year while others have only one. During the summer months, all stages can often be found at the same time. Adults of some species spend the winter clustered together in large groups under leaf litter, rocks, or other debris.


Ladybugs a sign of healthy olive trees – Staff Writers, Granada, Spain (UPI) January 7, 2009.

LADYBUGS – Ric Bessin, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture

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Image 1:

Image 2 & 3: Ric Bessin, Extension Entomologist
University of Kentucky College of Agricultur

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Super powers of the mole rat

The African mole rat may hold the key to help scientists understand pain relief and aging?

This hairless, gentle, bucktoothed rodent (Heterocephalus glaber) feels no pain either from acid ornaked-mole-rat the sting of the capsaicin from chili peppers. This animal lacks the chemical hormone Substance P, which causes the feeling of burning pain in mammals. “Substance P is important specifically to the long-term, secondary-order inflammatory pain. It’s the pain that can last for hours or days when you pull a muscle or have a surgical procedure,” he explained.
The insights gained from work with this animal might shed new light on chronic pain.

By studying the nerve fibers of this animal, we’ll be able to develop new strategies and targets.”It could lead to new drugs for people with chronic pain if scientists could unravel this critters secret to being the bionic feel no pain model of success.
Naked mole rats live in cramped, oxygen-starved burrows some six feet underground in central East Africa. Unusually, they are cold-blooded which is unique among mammals.
Testing for acid sensitivity
When an unconscious mole rats had their paws injected with a slight dose of acid, “about what you’d experience with lemon juice. Every animal tested — from fish, frogs, reptiles, birds and all other mammals every animal is sensitive to acid, but not the mole rat.

To understand their pain resistance the researchers next used a modified cold sore virus carrying the genes for Substance P (a common hormone used to relieve pain and inflammation in humans and mammals) to just one rear foot of each tested rodent. The DNA restored the naked mole rats’ ability to feel the burning sensation other mammals experience from capsaicin by pulling back their foot and licking it while their other feet remained insensitive to the sting of capsaicin.

Why test with capsaicin?

Capsaicin is targets the excitatory nerve fibers that normally have Substance P. These fibers only respond after an injury or burn and produce longer-lasting pain they do not respond to minor pain from pinpricks.
Curiously, the researchers found that mole rats remained completely insensitive to acids, even with the Substance P genes. This suggests there is a fundamental difference in how their nerves respond to such pain. The mole rat is the only animal that shows completely no response to acid.”
This insensitivity to acid may be needed to live underground where the rodents exhale high levels of carbon dioxide. In these tight, poorly ventilated spaces with little fresh air the CO2 builds up in tissues, making them more acidic. So over time the mole rat skin became insensitive to acid.
“There environment live in an 10% CO2 environment where if humans lived even in a 5% atmosphere of CO2 and air our skin, nose and eyes would feel a sharp, burning, stinging sensation.
Researcher Gary Lewin, a neuroscientist at the Max Delbrück Institute for Molecular Medicine in Germany, noted that all vertebrate pain-receptor systems are built in a highly similar way, so if we can crack the code of the mole rat’s insensitivity we might be able to help a lot of people with chronic pain find relief.

Aging secrets -never live above ground and let the queen rule
No bigger than a stick of butter, mole-rats the long outlive similar-sized rodents. The naked mole-rat, lives a long time for a rodent 30 years with little aging. Rochelle Buffenstein of the City College of New York. “This animal may one day provide the clues to how we can significantly extend life.”

Does their lifestyle hold the key to their longevity?

Their skin stays wrinkly and pink but not dry

They live in colonies of up to 300 individuals, with one breeding female similar to a queen bee.
Within their tunneling burrows, they delineate a separate toilet area, where feces and urine get stored.

They live in colonies of up to 300 individuals, with one breeding female similar to a queen bee.
• Within their tunneling burrows, they delineate a separate toilet area, where feces and urine get stored.

Naked Mole-rats Hold Clues to Human Aging -Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience October 9, 2006

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