Keeping bees healthy

Help the pollinators stay health by planting native wildflowers with more nutritious pollen and nectar. You can also make selections from old “heirloom” varieties such as Cosmos, black-eyed Susans, rosemary, beebalm, lavender, lupines, basils, mints, other herbs and roses.
To keep bees healthy and around to pollinate another day

Bee on basil plant

Bee on basil plant

  • Grow flowers that bloom through the season.
  • Bees need hiding places that are safe from predators and to locate and court a mate or establish their nests. They need places safe from parasites and chemical insecticides.
  • Bees need a source for clean water too.
  • Collect or purchase beneficial insects such as ladybird beetles, green lacewings or praying mantis and a few spiders and their webs.

Plant with organic sustainable farming and gardening practices

Buy organic safe produce at the supermarket.

If you must use a pesticide try the least toxic one, follow directions carefully and apply sparingly,


If you poison your bees and they continue to die, you will have less and less foods for your table.

Help the bees thrive donate today.

Bees are at the heart of our environmental crisis.
Strengthening the bees’ health
For a healthier and greener environment.

Join us in helping solve the bee crisis.

Bee Factoids

Did you know

The brain of a worker honey bee is about a cubic millimeter but has the densest neuropile (neuron network) tissue of any animal.

Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour.

Bees have five eyes.

The small simple eyes called ocelli. They read light intensity.

The bees 2 large eyes are called compound. About 6,900 facets each sees a section of the picture it is looking at. Highly sensitive to movement, they sense movements that are separated by 1/300th of a second. So If a bee went to see a ovie, it wouldsee each individual movie frame being projected.

While bees cannot recognize the color red, they do see ultraviolet colors.

Help the bees thrive donate today.

Bees are at the heart of our environmental crisis.
Strengthening the bees’ health
For a healthier and greener environment.

Join us in helping solve the bee crisis.

Bees remove Toxins!

Natural toxin control-take a lesson from our bee friends.

Honey & Pollen contain only slight traces of residues from industrial emissions, car exhaust and agricultural chemicals, general pesticides and water contaminants, because bees act as a biological filter: They die if they come into contact with toxins and thus do not bring pollutants into the hives. They are selective about their pollen!

Bee are smarter than many of us about food and pollution control. -Mother Nature

Help the bees thrive donate today.

Bees are at the heart of our environmental crisis.
Strengthening the bees’ health
For a healthier and greener environment.

Join us in helping solve the bee crisis.

Help the bees thrive donate today.

Bee pollen total energy whole food

Bee pollen a whole food good for you.

Honeybee collect pollen hopefully from organic flowers. This pollen is a rich source of energy, vitamins and minerals, proteins, enzymes and coenzymes, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. It is a gift from the bees to help us keep our bodies in balance.
No one has been able to make pollen like the bees do. If eaten in the whole grain form natural straight from the bee form. Caution if you have allergies eat only after getting your doctor’s permission.

Bee Pollen is a complete food. It has 96 active nutrients, including 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, 16 vitamins even B-12, trace elements, fatty acids, hormones and enzymes.

One pound of pollen is comparable to 15 pounds of fruits and veggies. This very complex substance contains factors science has not yet been able to identify, and cannot synthesize.

Help the bees donate today.

Honey bees need a good breakfast too.

“The natural diet of the adult honey bee is pollen and honey. When nectar is not available, bees collect sweet-tasting juices from overripe fruit and plant exudates. Some insects secrete honeydew, which bees may collect and store as honey.

When no pollen is available, bees may collect powdery animal feed or spores from plants and store this material as they would pollen. This is not quality nutrient rich sustainable feed for brood rearing and is a poor substitute for pollen.”

The breakfast of champions for the honey bee includes:

1. proteins (amino acids)

2. carbohydrates (sugars)

3. lipids (fatty acids, sterols)

4. vitamins

5. minerals (salts)

6. water

– Mother Nature says “The bees need the same nutrients to grow healthy aand strong that we do.”

The nutrients must be in the diet in a definite qualitative and quantitative ratio for optimum nutrition.
Excerpted from “Honey Bee Nutrition And Supplemental Feeding” By: L.N. Standifer 1(From Beekeeping in the United States)

Bees are at the heart of our environmental crisis.
Strengthening the bees’ health
For a healthier and greener environment.

Support the bees donate

Whales vs Pentagon and U.S. Navy in Supreme Court

Taking on the U.S. Navy and the Pentagon — the most powerful government agency on the planet — will require unprecedented support for the NRDC. If you would like to help us wage and win this landmark court case click link below.;_ylt=ApL5Q3Ih2FXCSzn6AS8TmOVjk70X?mid=1_53931_AMlu%2FNgAAWSrSHvCGQJVjnBOgtE&fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&.rand=1040028772

Key excerpts from The New York Times editorial, “Of Whales and National Security”, July 2, 2008:

“Environmentalists have long claimed that the Navy’s use of sonar for training exercises unduly threatens whales, dolphins and other acoustically sensitive marine creatures. The Navy has adopted some procedures to mitigate the risk but has resisted stronger protections ordered by two federal courts. The Supreme Court has now agreed to address the issue.”

“The case at hand was filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council and other conservation groups to rein in Navy training exercises that use sonar to search for submarines off the coast of Southern California. The Navy says that its exercises pose little threat to marine life and that the training is vital to national security.”

“A federal district judge and a federal appeals court in California, after careful reviews of the facts, have found that the Navy’s arguments are largely hollow…The Navy itself estimates that the current series of drills, conducted over two years, might permanently injure hundreds of whales and significantly disrupt the behavior of some 170,000 marine mammals.”

“The federal courts have played a valuable role in deflating exaggerated claims of national security. Let us hope that the Supreme Court backs them up.”

Strange eats- rocks, feces Is Fido OK?

“Eating Strange Objects (Such as Feces)

If your pet has an appetite for such oddities as socks, rocks, or even feces, chances are you’ve wondered—and worried—about her unusual eating habits. In this case, your worry may be justified: Not only can your possessions be destroyed or damaged, but objects such as clothing and rocks can produce life-threatening blockages in your pet’s intestines. Eating non-food items has a name: It’s called pica. A specific type of pica is stool eating—either the dog’s own or that of another animal. It’s called coprophagy. Rarely seen in cats, coprophagy is fairly common in dogs, especially those who tend to be highly food-motivated. And although it’s not necessarily dangerous to the animal, it probably is unacceptable to you.”

Lion and Man true friends! -Two Thumbs UP!

Christian the lion video “Moment of Love is what I need -Christian the Lion” is an awesome example of the bond between man and beast.

When we learn to love and respect all life love grows.

-Mother Nature–lv0&feature=related

No gourmet ice cream without bees

Did you know that you favorite gourmet ice cream may disappear if we do not solve our bees crisis?

“”These are among consumers’ favorite flavors,” said Katty Pien, brand director with Haagen-Dazs.

“We use 100% all natural ingredients like strawberries, raspberries and almonds which we get from California. The bee problem could badly hurt supply from the Pacific Northwest,” Pien said
Time to get your creative young minds working and help solve the most pressing issue facing our food supply to date. Where or where have all those bees gone.

Help the bees thrive donate today.


Helping the planet one person at a time.

– Mother Nature

Massive bee deaths can be on the rise act now

from The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS), UC Santa Cruz

“In light of the mounting evidence that new seed chemical coatings are deadly to bees and the action of Germany to call for an immediate suspension of these seed treatments, the Sierra Club today reaffirmed its call for a U.S. moratorium on specific chemical treatments to protect our bees and crops, until more study can be done.

Recently Germany’s federal agricultural research institute noted, “It can unequivocally be concluded that poisoning of the bees is due to the rub-off of the pesticide ingredient clothianidin from corn seeds.”

At issue are the neonicotinoids, including clothianidin, being used in a new way – as seed coatings.

For years, farmers have been spraying neonicotinoids onto their crops to stop insect infestation. Now Bayer and Monsanto have acquired patents to coat their proprietary corn seeds with these neonicotinoids.

“Part of the equation in the U.S. is genetically engineered corn, as more and more corn seeds are being gene spliced with a completely different species – a bacteria,” said Walter Haefeker, of the German Beekeepers Association Board of Directors. “Bayer and Monsanto recently entered into agreements to manufacture neonicotinic-coated genetically engineered corn. It’s likely that this will worsen the bee die-off problem.”

David Hackenburg, former president of the American Beekeeping Federation, has been urging the U.S. Department of Agriculture to do more study. “Look at what’s time based. The massive bee decimation started when regulatory agencies rubber stamped the use of neonicotinoid spraying and coating,” he said.

“Sierra Club joins the concern of beekeepers,” said Laurel Hopwood, Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee Chair. “It’s unfortunate that regulatory agencies are using double speak. They claim to protect our food supply – yet they aren’t doing the proper studies. The loss of honeybees will leave a huge void in the kitchens of the American people and an estimated loss of 14 billion dollars to farmers. We expect the U.S.D.A. to do their job. We call for a precautionary moratorium on these powerful crop treatments to protect our bees and our food.”

Contact: Laurel Hopwood, Sierra Club 216-371-9779″

Mother Nature says “The DNA from GMO corn/soy/rape pollen cross pollinating organic crops and the sugar water solution that is given to the bees as “food” is made from GMO sugar both can effect the digestive and nervous systems of bees. These chemicals cause the bees to lose their neural navigation feedback system that operates between the brain and extremities so they cannot get either proper nutrition or neural messaging to be able to orient in space and return to their hive.
Buy only organic corn and corn products and please donate to Narure’s Crusaders Save the Bee Fund.
You can make a difference one person at a time.

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